POSEIDON is GL's computer based structural design and analysis tool for shipyards, design offices, owners and operators. It's user friendly interface, it's rich features and intuitive processes facilitates the rapid development and analysis of hull structures.
Who needs POSEIDON?
POSEIDON was developed by ship builders for ship builders. Its logical, intuitive structure and user friendly interface can be used by anyone familiar with PC's and ship design. POSEIDON is a great tool for reducing planned maintenance costs and minimizing unscheduled structural repairs.
How do you benefit from using POSEIDON?
Concentrate on designing - not obtuse operating instructions. Obtain the results of the FE analysis early in the design stage. Start saving design hours by getting the POSEIDON advantage for your design office. Improve your life cycle costs and specify POSEIDON for your newbuildings. POSEIDON improves productivity and lowers costs of structural design. POSEIDON improves ship quality and yard productivity by promoting the optimised distribution and weight of structural material and speeds approval time through electronic transfer and processing. POSEIDON cuts cost of planned maintenance and helps Shipyards and Design Offices to avoid unscheduled repairs.
The features of POSEIDON
- A design tool that can be used throughout the engineering process
- Minimal training - no specialised knowledge of FE techniques needed
- Modelling and analysis of complex midship sections in less than a day
- Rapid changes in structural layout promote the optimization of the design
- GL scantling rules based on first principle design methods
- Direct analysis using finite element techniques and user definable loads
- Modelling of complete symmetrical or asymmetrical hull structures to ice class
- Special tools are included for hatch cover assessment
More POSEIDON features. POSEIDON supports GL's Rational Ship Design (RSD) class notation which can help operators to better plan maintenance. The utilization factors and explicit corrosion margins assist the operator in planning coating and plate renewal strategies. The ships data file can also be used in association with GL's Emergency Response Service (ERS) to assist operations in coping with casualties.
More about POSEIDON
Learn more about how POSEIDON determines the scantlings of a vessel's structural components, about the useful "Hull Wizard", how to get a tailor-made POSEIDON-Training and more.
Determination of ScantlingsPOSEIDON determines automatically the scantlings of all structural components based on rule requirements for vessel parameters, class notation, global bending, cargo loads and external sea pressure.
The scantlings of transverse and longitudinal members are determined by an iterative process in which static and dynamic loads and structural geometry are automatically accounted for. The allowable stresses, fatigue and buckling strength are also considered in the calculation. The designer can easily alter the structural arrangement and scantlings to optimize for weight and strength. Section weight and modulus are continuously displayed and updated on the screen.
The results of the scantling calculations are displayed in a logical fashion to provide an overview of the design process. The member scantlings are also displayed graphically in colour codes so designer can easily determine those members which require alteration. The calculation method of individual members can be reviewed to permit alteration of key parameters governing the scantling. Corrosion margins are explicitly stated for all structural members.
Learn more about how POSEIDON determines the scantlings of a vessel's structural components, about the useful "Hull Wizard", how to get a tailor-made POSEIDON-Training and more.
Determination of ScantlingsPOSEIDON determines automatically the scantlings of all structural components based on rule requirements for vessel parameters, class notation, global bending, cargo loads and external sea pressure.
The scantlings of transverse and longitudinal members are determined by an iterative process in which static and dynamic loads and structural geometry are automatically accounted for. The allowable stresses, fatigue and buckling strength are also considered in the calculation. The designer can easily alter the structural arrangement and scantlings to optimize for weight and strength. Section weight and modulus are continuously displayed and updated on the screen.
The results of the scantling calculations are displayed in a logical fashion to provide an overview of the design process. The member scantlings are also displayed graphically in colour codes so designer can easily determine those members which require alteration. The calculation method of individual members can be reviewed to permit alteration of key parameters governing the scantling. Corrosion margins are explicitly stated for all structural members.
Direct Analysis using the Finite Element Method
POSEIDON automatically generates a finite element model of the ship structure as defined by the modelling and scantling phases. The structure can be analysed with user defined or loads calculated to GL Rules.
A model extending over one or more holds will be automatically generated. If desired, the entire ship can be modelled. The mesh fineness takes into account the actual layout of plates, stiffeners or can otherwise be user defined.
The FE analysis is performed by the internal program GL-FRAME. The results can be evaluated and graphically displayed according to allowable stress, buckling and fatigue. Wave and other special loads may be defined by the user. Wave length, height, shape and direction with respect to the centreline can be input. The calculated loads can then be graphically displayed for evaluation.
The easy and time saving modelling of a specific structural configuration is based on the definition of functional elements such as the shell, inner bottom, decks, bulkheads, etc. The program module "Hull Wizard" will generate automatically the typical structural topography of midship sections by selecting key parameters. Tank arrangements and load data are automatically generated by the "Hull Wizard" or may be defined by the user. The "Hull Wizard" is available for modelling of containerships, tankers and bulk carriers. Other ship types are in development and may be available by contacting the Hotline.
The hull geometry can be easily defined by the user by inputting a few basic parameters. Alternatively the hull contours can be automatically generated through import of hull form data. The functional elements describing the structural geometry are automatically adapted to adjoining structures and the hull contours. The designer is free to arrange the layout of plates, spacing and type of frames and stiffeners and other components.
The "Hull Wizard" is available for modelling of containerships, tankers and bulk carriers. Other ship types are in development and may be available by contacting the Hotline.
A model extending over one or more holds will be automatically generated. If desired, the entire ship can be modelled. The mesh fineness takes into account the actual layout of plates, stiffeners or can otherwise be user defined.
The FE analysis is performed by the internal program GL-FRAME. The results can be evaluated and graphically displayed according to allowable stress, buckling and fatigue. Wave and other special loads may be defined by the user. Wave length, height, shape and direction with respect to the centreline can be input. The calculated loads can then be graphically displayed for evaluation.
The easy and time saving modelling of a specific structural configuration is based on the definition of functional elements such as the shell, inner bottom, decks, bulkheads, etc. The program module "Hull Wizard" will generate automatically the typical structural topography of midship sections by selecting key parameters. Tank arrangements and load data are automatically generated by the "Hull Wizard" or may be defined by the user. The "Hull Wizard" is available for modelling of containerships, tankers and bulk carriers. Other ship types are in development and may be available by contacting the Hotline.
The hull geometry can be easily defined by the user by inputting a few basic parameters. Alternatively the hull contours can be automatically generated through import of hull form data. The functional elements describing the structural geometry are automatically adapted to adjoining structures and the hull contours. The designer is free to arrange the layout of plates, spacing and type of frames and stiffeners and other components.
The "Hull Wizard" is available for modelling of containerships, tankers and bulk carriers. Other ship types are in development and may be available by contacting the Hotline.
source: www.gl-group.com
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